Learning how to pass a lacrosse ball is a crucial skill you must master. Passing is an essential part of the game, and it’s the only way to move the ball around the field and score goals. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, improving your passing skills will help you become a better player and increase your chances of winning.
Passing a lacrosse ball may seem simple, but it requires proper technique and practice to get it right. There are different types of passes in lacrosse, including the overhand pass, the sidearm pass, and the underhand pass. Each type has its unique technique, and the one you use will depend on your situation.
Grip and Stance
Having the correct grip and stance is crucial when passing a lacrosse ball. This section will cover the proper grip and stance for passing the ball.
The first thing you need to do is grip the stick properly. The bottom hand should grip the shaft handle, and the top hand should be near the midway point between the handle and the head of the lacrosse stick. This will give you proper control and force of the lacrosse pass.
It’s important to note that the grip will vary depending on your pass type. For example, a quick, short pass may require a tighter grip, while a longer one may need a looser grip to generate more power.
Next, let’s talk about stance. You should be in an athletic stance with your hands away from your body. That means your feet should be shoulder-width apart, and your knees should be slightly bent. Your weight should be evenly distributed between both feet.
Regarding foot placement, it will depend on whether you’re right-handed or left-handed. If you’re right-handed, your left foot should lead your stance. If you’re left-handed, your right foot should lead your stance.
It’s also important to angle your body correctly. You should start angled 45 degrees to the wall of the player you’re practicing with. This way will give you a good angle to make the pass.
How to Throw a Lacrosse Ball: Technique
Passing is a fundamental skill in lacrosse. That’s why it requires you to be able to pass accurately and quickly in order to maintain possession of the ball and create scoring opportunities. Follow the basic passing technique, including cradling, wind-up, and release, below:
Cradling is the technique used to keep the ball in the stick’s pocket while running or dodging. It is beneficial for you to learn how to pass a lacrosse ball efficiently. It is also used to protect the ball from defenders. You can learn this lacrosse cradling technique in this post and browse other technique lists here.
The wind-up is the motion used to prepare for a pass. To wind-up, you bring the stick back behind your head, keeping your elbows close to your body. This allows you to generate power for the pass. Keep your eyes on your target while winding up to ensure accuracy.
The release is the final part of the passing technique, where you release the ball from the stick. To achieve it, you flick your wrists and follow through with your arms. Keeping your wrists loose and relaxed during the release is important to ensure accuracy. You must also aim for your target and keep your eyes on it during the release.
Types of Passes
There are various types of passes that players can use to move the ball to their teammates. This section will discuss the three most common types of pass: overhand pass, sidearm pass, and underhand pass.
Overhand Pass
It is the most common type of pass in lacrosse. It is a straightforward pass that is easy to learn and execute. To perform an overhand pass, you first need to grip the stick with both hands and hold it in front of your body. You then bring the stick back behind your head and throw the ball overhand to your teammate.
Sidearm Pass
The sidearm pass is a low, quick pass that is useful for getting the ball to a teammate who is close to the ground. To perform a sidearm pass, you first need to grip the stick with both hands and hold it to the side of your body. Then bring the stick forward and throw the ball sidearm to your teammate.
Underhand Pass
The underhand pass is a pass that is thrown underhand and is useful for getting the ball to a teammate who is behind me. To perform it, you first need to grip the stick with both hands and hold it in front of your body. Then bring the stick down and throw the ball underhand to your teammate.
Each type of pass has its advantages and disadvantages. You need to consider the situation on the field and the position of your teammates before deciding which pass to use. With practice, you can develop your passing skills and become an effective passer in lacrosse.
Passing Drills
Practicing passing drills is crucial to improving your lacrosse passing skills. Here are two types of helpful passing drills:
Wall Ball
Learning how to pass a lacrosse ball with a wall is a great way to practice your passing skills independently. All you need is a lacrosse ball and a wall. Stand a few feet from the wall and throw the ball against it. Catch the ball as it bounces back and repeat. You can practice different types of passes, such as overhand, sidearm, and underhand. You can also practice catching or cradling the ball with your left and right hand. Make sure to switch up your stance and footwork to simulate game situations. Also, watch this tutorial video for practicing with the wall.
Partner Passing
Partner passing is a great way to practice your passing skills with a teammate. Stand a few feet from your partner and practice different pass types. You can also practice catching the ball with your left and right hand. Do the same with quick passes, long passes, and bounce passes.
Here are a few partner passing drills you can try:
- Give and Go: Player A passes the ball to Player B and runs toward the goal. Player B passes the ball back to Player A who catches it and shoots toward the goal.
- Triangle Passing: Three players form a triangle. Player A passes the ball to Player B who passes it to Player C who passes it back to Player A. Repeat.
- One-Handed Passing: Players practice passing the ball with only one hand. This drill helps improve hand-eye coordination and passing accuracy.
Remember to communicate with your partner and give feedback to each other. This will help both of you improve your passing skills.
Game Situation Practice
After mastering the basic passing techniques, practicing in game-like situations is important. This will help you develop the ability to pass accurately and quickly under pressure.
One way to practice game situation passing is to set up a small-sided scrimmage with teammates. During the scrimmage, focus on passing the ball quickly and accurately to open teammates. This will help you develop a sense of when and where to pass the ball during an actual game.
Another way to practice game situation passing is to work on passing drills that simulate game situations. For example, you can set up cones to represent defenders and practice passing the ball around them to open teammates. This will help you develop the ability to pass accurately and quickly in tight spaces.
It’s also important to practice passing while on the move. This will help you develop the ability to pass accurately while running at full speed. One way to practice this is to set up cones in a zigzag pattern and practice passing the ball while running through the cones.
Remember, in game situations, passing accuracy and speed are crucial. By practicing it regularly, you’ll be better prepared to pass accurately and quickly during an actual game.
Lacrosse Passing Common Mistakes
There is also challenging to learn how to pass a lacrosse ball. Here are some common mistakes that players make when passing the ball:
1. Poor Hand Positioning: One of the most common mistakes players make when passing is poor hand positioning on the stick. The top hand should be close to the midpoint between the handle and the head of the lacrosse stick, with the bottom hand holding the handle of the shaft.
2. Lack of Follow-through: Another common mistake is not following through with the pass. Players should follow through with their throwing motion, pointing their stick at their target and stepping into the throw to generate more power and accuracy.
3. Inaccurate Aim: Players often struggle with aiming their passes accurately. To improve accuracy, you should focus on the target and use your peripheral vision to track your teammates.
4. Not Using Both Hands: Using only one hand to pass the ball is a common mistake that limits a player’s ability to pass accurately and with power. Players should use both hands to generate more force and control over the ball.
5. Overthinking: this can lead to hesitation and mistakes when passing the ball. Players should trust their instincts and make quick decisions when passing the ball.
By avoiding these common mistakes, players can improve their passing skills and become more effective on the field.
Passing Tips
Here are some tips that are helpful when passing:
- Proper grip: Before throwing the ball, make sure to position your hands on the stick for proper control and force of the pass. The bottom hand should grip the handle of the shaft, and the top hand should be near the midway point between the handle and the head of the lacrosse stick.
- Footwork: Your front foot should step toward your target for improved accuracy. Remember to rotate your hips so that your follow-through finishes with your back shoulder pointing at your target.
- Use your wrists: As you make the pass, push with your top hand and simultaneously snap your wrists while pulling with your bottom hand. This action will generate more power and speed on the pass.
- Practice: Practice makes perfect. Spend time practicing your passes with a partner to improve accuracy and speed.
Remember, passing is not just about throwing the ball to your teammate. It is about making accurate and efficient passes that can lead to goals and victories. By mastering these passing tips, you can become a valuable asset to your team.
Your Time to Practice Now
Now that you have learned how to pass a lacrosse ball, it’s time to put that knowledge into practice. Remember to always start with the proper grip and stance, and to use your whole body to generate power in your passes. Practice with a partner or against a wall to improve your accuracy and speed.
Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it right the first time. Passing a lacrosse ball takes time and practice to master. Keep practicing and you’ll see improvement over time.
As you continue to practice, experiment with different pass types. Each has its unique advantages and can be helpful in different game situations.
Remember, passing is a crucial part of the game of lacrosse. The more you practice, the better you’ll become. So, grab your stick and get out there and start passing!